Digital Marketing ( Internship)
NM Groups
Indore  -  India
14 Current Jobs Openings

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213, Centre point , Indore, India
Job Detail
  • Industry:
    E Commerce
  • Total Positions:
  • Job Type:
    Part Time
  • Salary:
    Trainee Stipend
  • Job Location:
    Indore, India
  • Minimum Education:
    Graduate/ Degree/ Diploma
  • Minimum Experience:
    Fresh Year
  • Apply By:
    Aug 31, 2021
  • Job Posting Date:
    Jan 29, 2021
Job Description

The digital marketing internship abroad is focused on the digital branch of marketing as its name suggests. Internet and Social Media have become strategic marketing channels and therefore contributed to develop significantly this profession. Even if the position is specialized in the digital, it is still highly versatile. Community management, improving SEO, writing contents… tasks are diversified. A business internship is always recommend after your studies, so you can turn to practice what you have learned.

Skills Required

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