CV Writing

What questions does your CV need to answer?
As we mentioned before, your CV is one of the first things that recruiters will see about you, so it’s worth trying to look at your CV from their perspective. Does it catch their attention, and does it give them the information they need?
Include your personal details – name, address, phone number and email. Do not include your age or a photograph unless specifically asked to do so.
When you write your employment history and education details, put your most recent achievements first.
Keep your CV short, while still including sufficient detail. It sounds tricky, but it can be done. Academic CVs are usually at least 4-5 pages long, whereas CVs tailored to the private sector should be only 2.
You can sound professional without using excessive jargon. Keep your writing clear, direct and focused. Remember that the person looking at your CV might not be an expert in your field.
Use ‘doing’ words on your CV such as ‘developed’ or ‘organised’. This makes you sounds active and not passive. But avoid clichés. You don’t want to be just another “fast learner” with a “good work ethic”.
Don’t talk about your social life unless your activities display an important skill such as leadership or teamwork.
Most importantly, proofread your CV. There should be no spelling, punctuation or grammar errors: unprofessional CVs are rejected. If you find editing your own work difficult, get a friend to read your CV.
Once you have finished it, show it to as many people as possible: your supervisor/mentor, colleagues, even your family and friends. Their first impressions will help you to improve your CV.

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