About Us

SBJ jobs is a venture by SBJ group after their IT & Brand management firm SBJ InfoTech, Software on demand and shuklambara – An Astrology portal 
SBJ Jobs provide you the skilled and trained manpower we provide proper training to the Candidates by professional trainer related to their profile, company, personality and enhance their skills after completion of their training, we can share psychometric report of the candidate to the company also (if required) Apart from this we also have our own portal (SBJ JOBs) for job seeker as well as for the employer 
 And we do not charge any kind of amount from Divyang people. our services are completely free for the Divyang people.

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SBJ Jobs - Jobseekers Paradise

SBJ Jobs & Training is central India's fastest growing no consultancy charges recruitment agency with their flagship Job portal www.sbjjobs.com. By providing a wide range of recruitment and selection services to diverse companies. We suggest the relevant domain or profile to candidates based on their skill, interest & Psychology. As an organization, we understand our social responsibility, so we provide complementary services to Divyang People.